Agents of Change flyer!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Our flyer design for the NUS Open House! Thanks to Wan Ling for coming up with the idea of making it into a invitation card to join the Mission Impossible Agency ;p
click here to view a larger version ;p
Freshies visiting our blog, do email us if you have any queries regarding the camp!!
Programs sneak peak ;p
Disability Challenge
Campers would role-play, take on disabilities and complete challenges! This activity will serve as a platform for participants to experience and understand the difficulties and inconveniences faced by the physically-disadvantaged in their day-to-day activities. The tasks assigned require abilities that many of us take for granted. Thus, putting the volunteers in such unfamiliar settings will enhance their understanding of the disabled.
“The Southern Ridges” – The Amazing Race
A creative twist to the normal amazing race, be prepared to be rethink all your strategies before embarking on this one! In overcoming the challenges and helping one another along the way, we aim to nurture rapport and camaraderie amongst group members
“A Wonderful Moment of Science and Magic” – Mass outing
Campers and beneficiaries from 3 of our regular projects would come together in a juxtaposition of the fortunate and the forsaken. By stimulating interaction among the campers and beneficiaries, we hope it will spark the volunteering passion in them and motivate them to embark on the journey to lending a helping hand to the less fortunate.
“The Beach Odyssey” and Strategy games
a chance to let loose at the beaches of Sentosa and enjoy each other’s company! Some sneak peaks below!
- Beach Carts
Human carts, test of arm strength, fetching water all at the same time??
- Mua-Chee
Coated with sand, rolling about, getting wet?
- Catfight
Balloons to be burst, team work between gals and guys?
- War Game
Water bombs, poor guy wrapped in newspaper, all hell breaking loose?
- Circle of trust
Forming a circle, having to blindly hoist water bombs into pails?
And many more! Sign up to find out more!!!
Agents of Change
This year’s theme – Agents of Change, is geared towards highlighting the positive impact one can have on the lives of others.
There is a false-belief that volunteerism work does not add value to the life of the beneficiaries. It is thus, our goal this year to highlight the change volunteers can and will create. Be it skill-based volunteerism or just simple company to the beneficiaries, it is aimed that through our activities, we can showcase how much of an impact volunteers can make.
There is also a perception that volunteerism is boring and dull. Under this year’s theme, volunteers are transformed into secret agents who work tirelessly in the background not for benefits, but the mere knowledge that their action can have a positive bearing on the society. It is thus hoped that this camp would inspire a paradigm shift in the way volunteers are viewed.
Some aspects of the camp are highlighted below:
- exposure to diverse avenues of volunteerism
- appropriate volunteer matching with beneficiaries
- maximising volunteer's capabilities
- finding areas volunteers are most comfortable in and skilled for.
All in all, Juxtapose 2009 hope to inculcate the belief that volunteerism is not just an act in itself. It is not just about feeling good about oneself when one has invested time, effort and money in helping out at a welfare organisation.
Instead volunteerism is a way of life. It is more about igniting the universal human spirit of compassion, altruism, empathy and tolerance.
At the end of the day, it is hoped that a seed of compassion would be planted in the hearts of all the participants. And that in the future, each participant would nurture that seed and grow it to become a pillar of love and shower it to not just those less fortunate, but also all those immediately around them.
when, where, who?
18-21 June 2009
Eusoff Hall (NUS) and Sentosa Costa Sands Resort
YOU!! All freshies, NUS students, youths from all walks of life!!
Abt Juxtapose
Juxtapose 2009 is the 10th annual 4-day, 3-night volunteerism camp organized by the NUS Students’ Union Volunteer Action Committee (NVAC).
Formerly known as NVAC Volunteerism Camp, which had the fundamental objective of promoting volunteerism and raising social awareness amongst undergraduates and incoming freshmen, Juxtapose, with a new name, and fresh perspective, aims to start over and transform its dimensions to a wider audience now encompassing the involvement of youths from all backgrounds aged between 17-24 years.
Juxtapose 2009 seeks to increase the social-learning experience of youth participants through an array of direct voluntary activities, as well as team building activities, thus synergizing the awareness of social services in a fun and engaging arena.
NVAC stands for NUSSU Volunteer Action Committee. It is a standing committee under NUSSU and currently has more than 350 volunteers involved in 3 main branches: regular projects (weekly sessions at NUH, IMH, MINDS etc), special projects (like this camp! Or other events like Con Amore, Charity Fiesta), and overseas projects.
NVAC’s focus is more than just serving the community via direct volunteering but also the empowerment of youths and encouragement of community student initiatives.
NVAC strives to expand and promote volunteerism in NUS, while also enriching and making a difference in the lives of both volunteers and beneficiaries.
Jux Bulletin 1
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The Inquisition Chamber is still finalising the exact details of the interrogation process.
Details will be released soon.
Please check back regularly for more updates. :)